• A adoptat trei obiceiuri sanatoase si a slabit in mod natural peste 45 de kilograme. Cum a reusit  

A adoptat trei obiceiuri sanatoase si a slabit in mod natural peste 45 de kilograme. Cum a reusit  

A adoptat trei obiceiuri sanatoase si a slabit in mod natural peste 45 de kilograme. Cum a reusit  

Rebecca Grafton s-a confruntat cu mari fluctuatii de greutate, care i-au marcat existenta. Tanara a povestit ca a trecut prin tranformari fizice atat de mari, incat a avut momente in care nu s-a mai recunoscut in poze. 

Conform celor de la Popsugar.com, Rebecca a decis ca a venit momentul sa slabeasca dupa ce a petrecut o vacanta in Jamaica. 

"Cand m-am intros, nu puteam sa mai privesc imaginile. Nu putea sa imi amintesc momentele frumoasa si asta din cauza ca vedeam doar grasime in fiecare fotografie", a declarat tanara. 

Cand a hotarat ca trebuie sa isi reorganizeze viata, Rebecca cantarea 111,5 kilograme, iar in 2 ani a reusit sa slabeasca peste 45 de kilograme. 

Tanara a dezvaluit care au fost cele trei obiceiuri sanatoase care au ajutat-o sa scape de excesul de kilograme acumulat de-a lungul timpului. 

1. A tinut evidenta caloriilor pe care le-a consumat. 

"Am inceput prin a tine evidenta caloriilor cu ajutorul aplicatiei My Fitness Pal. Cu ajutorul ei, mi-am setat niste limite pe care le-am respectat si am tinut si evidenta caloriilor "arse" cu ajutorul exercitiilor fizice", a spus Rebecca. 

2. Si-a permit sa triseze din cand in cand. 

"La finalul fiecarei saptamani, mi-am permis cateva pauze de la dieta", a povestit femeia. 

E minunat sa perseverezi si sa mananci sanatos. Cu toate acestea, este ok ca uneori sa te rasfeti putin. 

3. A facut sport aproape in fiecare zi.

"M-am antrenat zilnic, aproximativ o ora", a declarat tanara. 

Antrenamentele zilnice ale Rebeccai au fost alcatuite din sesiuni de lucru cu greutati, exercitii cardio, dar si alergari. 

Rebecca Grafton este de parere ca fiecare trebuie sa isi organizeze stilul de viata in functie de necesitati. Obiceiurile sanatoare pe care ea le-a adoptat trebuie adaptate nevoilor pe care le avem.

Tanara recunoaste ca fiecare kilogram pierdut a fost o reusita, iar fiecare obiectiv atins a motivat-o sa mearga mai departe: "Am devenit dependenta de succes!".


Not a quitter ????✌???? News flash: your body uses carbs to produce energy and they are NOT bad for you ????????‍♀️ You need to be eating them in proper ratios but unless you have medical issues, a low carb diet is not necessary to lose weight. I got up and got my workout done this morning ???????? and GUESS WHAT: my body converted both the carbs I ate from broccoli and bagels the SAME EXACT WAY to turn them into glucose and metabolize them into ATP to use as energy for my workout ???????? Wishing you all lots of love and CARBS this Friday: may your bellies be full, your workouts be fueled, and may you enjoy your favorite kind of carbs today, be it a banana or a bagel ????✌????#endrant Tank is from @musclesanddonuts and code “mygirlishwhims” gets you 10% off ???????? #carbsoncarbs #iifym #flexibledieting

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The girl on the left was 100 pounds overweight, unhappy, and doubtful that she actually had enough motivation to stick to a diet plan long enough to see results but she knew she had to do SOMETHING to stop the scale from going up and up after finally hitting 246 pounds. I made small changes to start and screwed up plenty of times along the way but I finally decided that no matter how long it took me, I was just going to keep on going and NEVER GIVE UP! You don’t have to be perfect to start - you don’t need a fancy meal plan or a customized workout routine - you just need to START! Make healthier food choices, get your body moving, and have a little faith that you ARE capable of making a change, you ARE stronger than you think and your health and happiness ARE worth fighting for! If you wait for the “perfect” time to start- more and more excuses will always come up and a year from now you will still be in the same spot you are today. It took me two years to lose 100 pounds and it was the BEST thing I ever did for myself and I 100% wish I would have done it years sooner. Don’t wait until the New Year to set a new goal, decide NOW that you are capable of making a change. My next DietBet starts in just under 2 weeks on December 3rd and it is the perfect motivational tool to get yourself started. You just bet $35 that you can lose 4% of your starting weight in 4 weeks and if you do you win your bet back PLUS split a portion of the pot with the other winners. The best part though is you get tons of support from myself and the other players who are playing right along with you sending tons of love and motivation every step of the way ???? The game is open worldwide - click the link in my profile to join or leave your email in the comments and I’ll send you an invite to join the game! #transformationtuesday #weightloss #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #weightlossinspiration #weightlossmotivation #weightlossbeforeandafter #fifam #fitspo #100poundsdown

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