• Consuma 500 de calorii pe zi si era piele si os! Cum s-a transformat acest model dupa ce a inceput sa manance normal

Consuma 500 de calorii pe zi si era piele si os! Cum s-a transformat acest model dupa ce a inceput sa manance normal

Consuma 500 de calorii pe zi si era piele si os! Cum s-a transformat acest model dupa ce a inceput sa manance normal

Liza Golden-Bhojwani, un model care locuieste in India, a avut curajul sa arate si latura intunecata a industriei modei.

Liza a povestit ca a renuntat si a revenit in modelling de-a lungul timpului si le-a aratat internautilor imagini cu ea din anii trecuti.

In 2012, cand a participat la Saptamana Modei, bruneta consuma doar 500 de calorii si era piele si os. Acum, de cand mananca normal, are un corp de femeie obisnuita si se mandreste cu progresul pe care l-a facut. 


Who has taught us that if we are above even a size 4 we are "fat"? Why do we glorify only one body type? What has made us resort to shaming people who are not that "ideal" body type? What is wrong with the size 10 body in this collage? Does it really disgust us so much? Is the girl with the pointed protruding shoulders really so much more attractive? Because that was me at size 2 ...How about the girl with the black undereyes with the shorts that are almost falling off because they are too big, does she look much more stunning to you? Because that was me at size 0... I was once an ignorant, uneducated, and insecure girl. Who believed in what society told us we needed to live up to in order to "be perfect". I was happy to bust my ass to fit in and tell others that they should as well. But, I was young, naive, clueless, and oblivious to the fact that all that conforming would someday break me down so badly that I would lose my awareness of who I really was and be forced into believing I was a failure. But today, I look at myself and the comparison to my old self and what I see is no longer failure or defeat. I see a healthy young woman, no longer a girl, who has transcended into a happy being with more positivity and love surrounding her than ever before, all because she learned how to love and accept her true self. I'm pretty sure that's not a bad thing ????PS- to all the people who like to say my before photos are not me, look at the matching tattoos I didn't just happen to find someone on google who just happened to have the exact same tattoo which is a custom made note to a lost family member. Weight loss & Weight gain drastically change the look of our faces! Accept reality. #loveyourself #bodypositive #beyourself #positivethoughts #mondaymotivation #effyourbeautystandards #lovetheskinyourein #beautybeyondsize #happyvibes

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"Poza din stanga e facuta cand eram pe culmile succesului. Prezentam pentru brand-uri uriase, alaturi de fete pe care le idolatrizam. Dupa ce am lesinat intr-o noapte in apartamentul meu, m-am hotarat sa renunt la dieta si sa mananc putin mai mult. Credeam ca o sa pot sa-mi mentin greutatea, insa am luat-o razna, m-am ingrasat si nu am mai reusit sa dau jos kilogramele in plus", a scris Liza.


A little flashback Friday action for you. This caption will be long and won't fit, so if you'd like to read please find the rest in the comment section....The left side was me at the start of the peak of my career. My first proper fashion week where I was actually the size I needed to be. I was booking amazing shows that one never thinks they actually could, walking with girls who I once looked up to, it was a serious adrenaline rush...but after fainting one night in my apt whilst preparing one of my very low cal meals (I think it was 20 pieces of steamed edamame if I remember correctly), I called it quits with the diet and workout regime I was put on and decided I could do it on my own. I thought to myself, I can still be this thin, but I'll just eat a little more so I don't feel so horrible. Well, eating a little more turned into eating nearly a bag full of almonds, which then turned into eating full size meals, which then turned into a full blown binge. I was craving every single food you could imagine and I was giving in to every craving even though I knew this was such an important time in my career. I made it through NYFW okay, no one had noticed any weight gain, but by the time I had gotten the LFW I could see the pounds starting to show both in the mirror and on the measuring tape, but I kept quiet obviously not wanting to sabotage myself. I found myself going to the grocery store and picking up raw vegetables to try and make up for the near two week binge I had in NY, but I didn't see any weight coming off no matter how "healthy" I was eating and no matter how many workouts I fit in. MFW came and I knew I was bigger and by bigger I mean a 35.5in hip rather than the 34.5in hip I started with in NY, I played it cool and just pretended everything was normal. I did end up booking shows, Dolce & Gabbana being one of them. Which I afterwards received online criticism about my thighs looking fat...Anyways PFW came about, and I found it impossible to resist those chocolate croissants ???? I went on many a casting with one exclusive option being on my schedule, but after meeting the client I knew the reason for me not nailing the gig, my size...

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Bruneta a povestit ca intamplarea i-a deschis ochii si a facut-o sa renunte la ideea de a se incadra in dimensiunile 90-60-90. "Sunt mai fericita acum si nu ma mai simt vinovata dupa ce mananc ce vreau", a spus Liza, care s-a maritat in India si mai are contracte, dar nu la fel ca inainte.


April 2014-32-25.5-35 Vs. October 2016-38-30.5-42 if you're in my industry you know what those numbers mean and how F'ing scary that shit is. I remember having measurement days and making sure not to eat anything or even have water so that I could be the skinniest and flattest I could be. I had tricks to tuck my hips and cinch my waist to get a smaller measurement. I measured out food I ate and logged it in a food diary daily and I would make sure I didn't go over X amount of calories per day. If I did or if I binged out of hunger, I would puke that up and that made me think it was okay I didn't "actually" eat it. I would chew fruit/dessert flavoured gum just to give me a taste of something delicious since I couldn't physically eat it. I have always been the model who yo-yo's in measurements. Lose a lot of weight and be really skinny and then a few weeks/months later and I would be "big" again. I felt so ashamed and disgusted with myself. I could never understand how so many of the models around me could keep up with it and manage a stable constant measurement. I took 2 years off, unplanned. I honestly never thought I would model again, I mean I was "fat" no one would want to work with me at the size I was, I just figured it was over. All the blood, sweat, and tears I put in to that body was literally all for nothing. A short lived moment of success. Out of the blue one day as I was getting bigger and bigger I just said fuck this, I am still going to work and I refuse to starve myself to do so. I talked to my mother agent of nearly 10 years @ginnyedwardsmaxwell and we started making things happen piece by piece. Everything is still so new (I only started back up in October), but already I feel so much fucking happier with myself and my life! It's like a secret you hold onto so deeply for years and years that you finally let out and you feel so damn liberated!! No I don't ever plan on being that skinny again and to the next person who says "oh you looked so much better thin" GO FUCK YOURSELF! You have NO clue wtf I went through to be like that and how MISERABLE I was #bodypositive #effyourbeautystandards #loveyourself #standout #honormycurves

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